
About Reiki

Although there are many forms of energy work purported to be "Reiki", the form we teach at Eden's Path presents the form the practice that Mikao Usui taught -(as closely as is possible in a western context). Reiki promotes spiritual, emotional and physical balance and health. It has been compared with the "laying on of hands" and acupressure, although physical touch is not required.

While it is accurate to say that Reiki is a spiritual energy, it is not accurate to say that it is any form of religion. Reiki is non sectarian, and was specifically designed not to compete with or dilute any religeon. Most hold that Reiki is simply "Spirit at work".

Reiki supports the body's inherent capacity to heal it's self and it's subtle energy systems. Focused on the body's Ki (also called Chi, Qi, or life force), Reiki is an energy enhancing technique. Proper application of Reiki may help maintain or restore a healthy flow of Ki, and improve overall well-being.

Since Reiki is a truly a 'Life Force", it may also be applied to anything one encounters in daily life. Healing is healing, whether it is your body, your spouse, your best friend, your pet, your spiritual life, or any thing or situation that life brings you that needs help. Nor is the act of giving Reiki without benefit to the practitioner. You cannot give Reiki without receiving it. Because of this, Reiki may easily be a positive, transformative energy for everyone it touches.

The job of a Reiki practitioner is never to prove that the Reiki they share and practice - works. The job of a Reiki practitioner is to demonstrate what Reiki can do through the example he or she sets. Only a Master that does not seek to "own" Reiki - is fit to teach it.

Reiki History

Initially developed and taught by Mikao Usui (August 15, 1865 - March 9, 1926), Reiki is a Japanese method of energy work that promotes spiritual, emotional and physical balance and health. First schooled in Tendai Buddhist schools, then in the Jodo Buddhist tradition, Usui adapted concepts within these belief systems for a broader audience in Japan. Reiki's principals were adapted from his Buddhist roots to be compatible with the religious and secular beliefs of the people around him. Reiki is non-sectarian in nature. Because of this, the practice of Reiki now spans the world.

Mrs. Hawayo Takata encountered Reiki in a Japanese hospital in the mid-1930s. Through her teaching, she brought that knowledge to the United States in the form of the Usui Reiki practice common today.

Reiki supports the inherent capacity of a body to heal the self and the subtle energy systems. Focused on the Ki or life force, Reiki is an energy enhancing technique.

Proper application of Reiki may help maintain or restore a healthy flow of qi (or chi), and improve overall well-being.

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